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by Hrvoje Bertović
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Presenta Nova

Client: Presenta Nova

Presenta Nova is a family owned company that develops and produces products for optical shop interiors. The company head office and production are based in Zagreb, and two other branches (showrooms) in Germany and USA. Having spent a day at their office, hearing about how their vision drove them to be one of the leaders in their industry was more than enough inspiration for us to design their new website. The website, like the company's philosophy is modular and flexibile to various screen sizes. Large images and a squared layout help showcase their high quality products and designs. Discover Presenta Nova at

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  • Web design
  • Web development
  • CMS development

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  • Presenta Nova

    Client: Presenta Nova

    Presenta Nova is a family owned company that develops and produces products for optical shop interiors. The company head office and production are based in Zagreb, and two other branches (showrooms) in Germany and USA. Having spent a day at their office, hearing about how their vision drove them to be one of the leaders in their industry was more than enough inspiration for us to design their new website. The website, like the company's philosophy is modular and flexibile to various screen sizes. Large images and a squared layout help showcase their high quality products and designs. Discover Presenta Nova at

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    • Web design
    • Web development
    • CMS development

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